Hello, Gili here.

Forbidden things have fascinated me from a young age. Following my edgy curiosities had marked me as a rebel and weirdo.

I was that friend who was “a bad influence”.

I’ve lived in about a dozen countries, worked 20 different jobs and learned to say “would you like to work in a circus” in 11 different languages before realizing I’ve been running away from myself. That I have internalized my own weirdness in such a way that I was very much convinced that I really don’t belong anywhere.

Classical Tantra, Bodywork & Authentic Relating practices introduced me to a new world of sensations, language and ways to experience myself and others. Learning not to reject, resent or demonise any parts of myself has opened up paths towards more creativity, love, joy, pleasure and enjoyment.

As a space holder and educator, I create spaces of permission for individuals and groups to notice and articulate whatever is alive, allow it to be expressed and seen.